BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20221205T230000Z UID: 6649557550e6f DTSTAMP:20240518T202717Z LOCATION:The Gerber Center for Student Life DESCRIPTION:The Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center \;at 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ will serve its annual Julbord Dinner from 5-6:30 p.m. Julbord in Swedish means "Christmas table."\n\nGuests may arrive at any time. There will be brief remarks at 5:30.\n\nTraditional Swedish-American Christmas \;sm?rg?sbord \;fare will be served\, \;including salads\, relishes\, fruit\, herring\, bread\, cheese\, potatoes\, salmon\, potato sausage\, meatballs\, rice pudding \;and Christmas desserts. \;\n\n\nAfter dinner\, the annual Sankta Lucia Festival begins at 7 p.m. in nearby Ascension Chapel. Students perform traditional Swedish and Swedish-American songs and readings. Cookies and beverages \; are served. The program is free.\n\nIf you prefer not to pay online\, mail checks made out to “Swenson Center” (Swenson Center\, 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@\, 639 38th St.\, Rock Island\, Ill.\, 61201) or call 309-794-7204 weekdays with a credit card.\n\nParking is available in the faculty/staff lot at 34th St and 9-1/2 Ave. near the Gerber Center. Please do not use student parking.\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2022/julbord-dinner SUMMARY:Julbord Dinner DTSTART:20221205T230000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR