BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20221206T010000Z UID: 6632d9d6d2236 DTSTAMP:20240501T190958Z LOCATION:Bahls Campus Leadership Center DESCRIPTION:365体育投注_365体育备用网址@'s annual celebration of the Festival of Sankta Lucia will commemorate the holiday with traditional Scandinavian Christmas carols\, lessons and poetry.\n\nThe Sankta Lucia Festival is a cherished tradition of the Advent season in all the Nordic countries. A candlelight procession of singers is led by a young woman robed in white with a crown of candles on her head\, to commemorate the martyred St. Lucy (d. 304 AD)\, whose feast day is Dec. 13.\n\nEach year\, a student is chosen to portray Lucia during the event. This year Lucia will be Maja Johnson\, a senior from \;Stillman Valley\, Ill.\, majoring in Scandinavian studies and history.\n\nThe Ascension Ringers will play\, directed by Ben Holmes\, in addition to special music by several 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ students.\n\nMusic in the program is drawn from the Advent and Christmas traditions of the historic 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ Lutheran Church and the other Swedish-American denominations in the United States.\n\nThe singing is led by the Swedish language students and campus organist\, Chris Nelson.\n\nThe celebration is hosted by 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@'s Scandinavian Studies Program\, together with the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center\, the American Scandinavian Association at 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@\, and Campus Ministries.\n\nVisitors should note that Ascension Chapel is on the second floor of Founders Hall\, and there is no elevator. There is a single-chair lift that may be used. Please plan to arrive early. \;\n URL;VALUE=URI:/about-us/events/2022/festival-sankta-lucia SUMMARY:Festival of Sankta Lucia DTSTART:20221206T010000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR