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Viking Connections: Jillian Harms

Jillian Harms

Jillian Harms works as a natural resources specialist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Her team mainly serves as foresters, actively managing floodplain forest owned by the Rock Island District of the Corps in conjunction with partner agencies.

"365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ was a large part of what helped me make the choice to pursue biology as a career. During my senior year I participated in a capstone course that changed my career perspective. I would like to be able to share my story with other college students who may be questioning their career path as well as students interested in biology and natural resources as a career path."

Graduation year: 2016

Post-grad: Master of Biology

Majors: Biology and pre-medicine

Campus activities: Chi Alpha Pi sorority, tutor/lab assistant

Best way to contact: Email

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