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Brooke Randazzo

Brooke Randazzo

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr. Brooke Randazzo is excited to be returning to 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ as a faculty member. She studies mathematical group theory (essentially, the formal study of symmetries) by using tools from linear algebra (e.g., matrices) and number theory (e.g., prime numbers). In addition to research in pure mathematics, she is also interested in how mathematicians and students think about mathematics. 

This includes the metaphors they use to talk about high level math, the connections they make across the curriculum, and their processes for writing mathematical definitions.

In her free time, she enjoys watching television, doing puzzles and playing board games with her husband.


  • B.A., psychology and mathematics, 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@ 365体育投注_365体育备用网址@
  • M.S., psychology, Western Illinois University
  • M.S., mathematics, Northern Illinois University
  • Ph.D., mathematics, Northern Illinois University